Details and More

What the club is mainly about is helping others, but we still need the details!

There are many good ways to set up a fundraiser, but we want to set up a fundraiser, the point of these are to raise money for a local children's hospital, or an animal shelter, or even a library or school. Here is a list of fundraisers that would really be a hit.
1: A bake sale: There is almost nothing better than a sale that helps the community and makes yummy treats too, if everyone contributes to the bake sale then we can donate the remaining treats along with 90 percent of the rewards (the other 10% goes toward the next fundraiser) to the place of choice!
2: A play or movie showing: Just imagine a small curtain or stage set up, and a whole lot of people in the audience of folding chairs on a grassy lawn, it would be a lot of fun learning lines and creating a play that is short, sweet, and fun as well as raising money for a good cause. Of course we could film a series of short movies and play those on an outdoor projection screen.
3: An unconventional shop: Think of a big beach clean up and then the trash being collected in big bags and taken to a meeting spot to create adorable little creatures out of the litter, then the proceeds go to charity! (this is not my idea, thanks to another girl who helped me out with forming the club!)
4: A toy drive: This is simple, just a toy drive! getting people to donate money and toys to a good cause would be fun, especially in December or November.

Community activities
Community activities are small things we can do such as volunteering at an animal shelter or helping out at a library
1: Lost and found boxes: Sometimes things get lost, and as much as we try to find them sometimes we can't. So to make sure other kids can and that their things don't get stolen, we should insert nice, decorated lost and found boxes in parks and schools and libraries that don't have one or do have one that isn't very well run.
2: Suggestion boxes: this is important, especially since most people don't feel comfortable with coming up to staff and telling them the bathroom needs cleaning, installing suggestion boxes in a public place like a playground or park would help everyone get what they need.
3: Safety first!: Sometimes there are problems at a park or a library or even at a beach that need to be fixed such as broken equipment, falling hazards, or other things. To help with that sectioning it off until other, experienced helpers can come, or fixing it ourselves!
4: Volunteer work: Helping people is really important, and if you can help them often, it's even better! Volunteering at an animal shelter or a library to help people get what they need is a lot of fun, with a group it's even better!
5: Normal small deeds: such as helping someone find something or helping lost kids, you can do that every day!

We hope you'll join us soon!


  1. It is so nice to see you and Sam helping The Beach. Proud of you both!


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