
Hello! welcome to the CFSC website!
Here you can join the club to help people all over Santa Cruz and beyond.

Our message
We all want to change the world, but few people try, now I want to give everyone a chance, our dream is to help kids and the things kids care about, such as cleaning the beach and the park, so other kids have a place to play, and raising money for hospitals, schools and animal shelters, so that other kids also have a good education and medical care and animals get a loving home.

Our story
I want to be a teacher, and I really care about animals, so when I was sitting in a park watching a squirrel running around,  I saw trash everywhere, and later, someone was looking for the owner of a little sand shovel, and I realized I needed to step up and do something, so I decided to found a club for kids 9+ to make a difference in the world. When I met a girl with a fundraising business that helps clean up the beach I thought, 'wow, kids really can change the world.' and from then on I knew that we would help kids, animals, and the community.
So now help us make Santa Cruz a better place. Join now!

For more information email;
thank you

Wishing you well
CFSC Kids club!


  1. Hi guys! its me, the leader of CFSC and i wanted to tell you that even if you are out of SC then make sure to spread the word!

  2. Hi guys again! so if you want to join make sure to email me at Have a great day!

  3. I love this origin story! from, Sharon


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