Overview of a normal (non location) meeting

So our meetings start at 2:30 and go until 3:30 on Mondays. A lot of our meetings will be location meetings, like cleaning up the beach or park, but on the occasion we will be meeting in a house, our meeting will look somewhat like this.
2:25) people will start coming and hanging out
2:30) we would begin to gather in the dining room
2:35) we would officially start the meeting
2:40) we would begin talking about the next series of meetings
3:10) we would notify parks and other places we would like to improve
3:25) we would wind down the meeting.
3:30) we would all disperse and leave.

M-S(Club leaders).


  1. I made a mistake! Please forgive me. It's on the 9th. not the 14th

  2. This turned out to be wrong for sure! oh well


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