Our fundraiser: where the money went!

                                                EDITORIAL BY M. CLUB PRESIDENT
The homeless garden project isn't what you would originally would think, first hearing the name, I personally thought it was a farm that grew food for the homeless, or as we now call it, "people experiencing homelessness." in reality, the job of the homeless garden project is to supply temporary jobs and job training for people experiencing homelessness. While we were there, our guide noted that many other people we saw there were in fact volunteers, including a group of kids aged 9-17 (I think!) that was there with a summer camp, he also mentioned that any time we wanted, we can come help out as well, that was especially enticing to me given that I spend a lot of time gardening myself, and have my own bundles of lavender hanging on the mantle.
I think that anyone wanting to help out there should, definitely, the experience was one of the best I've had so far, and the staff were very nice and willing to take some time to show us what they did.

Through our latest fundraiser(see more about that here), we were able to donate $151 to the homeless garden project this round of fundraising!

We met our guide, "J" and took a tour of the farm
On the tour we saw a strawberry field,
and got to pick one!
Dried Flowers! Dried in summer for use in winter. Most are dried in a shed.  
 But some are on the hung from the roof of the office, 
It smelled SOOOO GOOD!
 tool shed,
and farm stand!
Here are the other, unsorted photos:

Thank you so much 'J' for taking the time to help us out!
-M, S, and A

